FRINGE22 Studio FRINGE22 Studio

Chris Tolles

When I decided to focus my career exclusively on climate change, MCJ was the first and best place I found community. It's where I learned about the problem in depth, explored hypotheses, had my beliefs expanded and challenged, and met my co-founder and now-investors. There's no better place than MCJ to connect with talented folks committed to putting their time, money, mind, and heart behind the climate change crisis we all face.

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FRINGE22 Studio FRINGE22 Studio

Peter Reinhardt

MCJ was hugely helpful to me transitioning from building a software company to building a new climate company. The podcast introduces an incredible group of people and ideas, and then the Slack community makes those people incredibly accessible to getting things done.

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FRINGE22 Studio FRINGE22 Studio

Lola Fernandez

MCJ became the community and safe space I needed to begin my own journey in climate. It's been crucial in my early career to be part of a group of like-minded individuals to learn from and share common goals with. I love the energy and wisdom of this community.

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FRINGE22 Studio FRINGE22 Studio

Douglas Onyango

MCJ has been a phenomenal platform for connecting with kindred spirits dedicating their time and creativity to solving climate change. I've met many truly impressive people approaching the problem from diverse perspectives.

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FRINGE22 Studio FRINGE22 Studio

Rahul Misra

MCJ has been absolutely instrumental in my career pivot towards climate tech. The MCJ ecosystem really made the daunting climate challenge feel approachable and engaging with the community has been one of the most valuable and enjoyable parts of my own climate journey.

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FRINGE22 Studio FRINGE22 Studio

Susan Su

MCJ started as my catalyst and continues to be my go-to on all things climate. The new friendships and key relationships I've built touch both my personal and professional lives, since both are dedicated to climate action! Love being surrounded by these like-minded folks.

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FRINGE22 Studio FRINGE22 Studio

Scott Tousley

MCJ was the start of my personal climate journey. I'd spent the past 7 years in operational roles at HubSpot (a B2B software company) and sought a career switch to work full-time on climate. I didn't know where to start and MCJ was my guide. One year later, I found the perfect role in the MCJ Slack community.

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